Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Well well well.....if it isnt the tooth fairy!

Ok, I was at a mate's party last weekend, I was off my nut and chatting to a mate and his gf mostly the whole nite. We were talking about deep, dark thoughts behind my dreams and what they meant. Apparently recurring dreams have meaning? oh my god!! Its your conscience trying to inform you of something but since you're too retarded to understand what it means, it keeps trying to tell you over and over again.

I have a recurring dream, well, I used to, I havent had it for a while now. It was my teeth, they'd loosen up and collapse in my mouth and i'd have to spit them out. Disgusting isnt it?

Now according to my mate's gf, I have insecurity issues, im not happy with the way I look or the way I am. Something to do with how a person's smile is a reflection of someone's appearance and how straight teeth compliment a nice smile. I have fairly decent teeth I guess...and I am unhappy with the way I look. Its crazy how it all works, I was off my nut at the time so I was really deep into this shit. I told my bro about this, and he didnt hear anything 'cuz he was watching Mythbusters. Great show.

What do you think? You have any recurring dreams? Really? Do tell!!

...Dream theater's "Octavarium" absolutely rox

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Unleash the curry!!!

Whats happening to me. Im a metalhead and my favourite song at the moment is a curry love song? Im the most controversial indian on the face of this planet, yet I find wat stereotypical indians say so interesting (predictable....but interesting none the less)???? I know wat it is! Someone has unleashed a can of ass whoopin' curry on me. I've fallen into the inevitable deep chutney of krishna's seducing, compelling, and quite spicy, spell. His strong accent, overpowering curry-scented body odour, and thick mustache persuaded me to confirm the inner curry hiding away behind a masculine, handsome, intelligent and modest Hurshy. Thats right, i've accepted im a curry muncher.

I mentioned I wasnt going to create an entry until I lost "...I dunno, 5kg". Well, I lost 3kg, so thats where the "...I dunno" estimate comes in hehehe. Im just going to stay in denial and pretend i've lost so little weight 'cuz i've put on muscle due to the gym (I know, im so NAUGHTY). With steady exercise and a healthy diet, I should be well on my way to a desired weight, watever it may be.

If you're into cheesy-arse power metal, get a song called "Memories" by Angeldust, its a classic! it has everything... memories, nostalgic feelings, past considerations, I could go on....but my narrow knowledge in descriptive language forbids me to.

I wish I had something to say, but, I dont.......so ....yeah I guess I should go,

ok, bye

...no...you go first..

*giggles* no YOU go first..

no YOU go!!

....ok go..

...just go ..ur a freak

wtf? fuck off man

what the fuck is ur problem? just go? wat r u a loser? fuck off man


...ok thats it im calling the police

Hello police??...there's some dude reading my blog, and they're not leaving, they're just stayin here reading my blog. Im scared, could you come over please? Ok.....ok...yep...10 mins?? ok cool, thank you..........no...you hang up first kekeke~~.

Sunday, May 01, 2005


Its happened. I weigh 80kg. I suck some major arse. I am not going to create an entry until I lose like, I dunno, 5kg.

Goodbye *sob*

There is an obesity epidemic in Australia, mainly in my house