Saturday, October 29, 2005

What a woeful world

Remember that song written by George Weiss and Bob Thiele, sung by Louis Armstrong? You know, the one about a guy with a vision? walking down his street of hypotheticals and "what ifs", facing only one side of the road, where there are 'trees of green, red roses too'. What a mockful song! how can people WRITE and SING such happy shit when there is DISASTER HAPPENING EVERYWHERE.

Im frustrated, I do not get terrorism. I mean, there's probably nothing to get? and even if there is, there's no justification of taking someone's life, even if its your own. Its absurd. Its hypocritical. This isnt just a "difference of opinion" anymore, this is ridiculous. How can you listen to someone rant on their religious beliefs, and believe that its your job to become a martyr and set an example for the rest of your community? who gave you that authority? no one did. No one is getting even here in this war, its not "you killed my friend, im going to kill your friend", its "I just blew up a bus in Dehli, you know why? because Pakistan had an earthquake, so India and Pakistan opened the gates to kashmir to facilitate help between the two nations that SHOULD be one. So im going to get my favourite scripture, read it a dozen times, perform some stupid ritual that no one gets, not even I, and blow myself up in a bus. Hooray what a great life i've led, what a great example i've made. Soon enough there will be no one else on this planet except 2 people, and they will both be men so they wont be able to reproduce, but im sure they'll try."

If this shit is going to keep on happening, i am sure I will not be able to tolerate it, and I will go insane and start pointing fingers. No one is cooperating as well, thats what astonishes me. Seriously, no one wants to read into terrorism, no one wants to understand why they do it, its because no one cares. I dont care, the guy across the road doesnt either. You know why? 'cuz if you kill someone, you deserve to die. Not because of "the justice system" or "religion", just because you, as a human being, as a person, are a bastard.

I know how to get rid of terrorists....

Hook Mariah Carey upto a huge speaker the whole world can hear, and get her to sing that pitch that only dogs and terrorists can hear. Sustain that note for like 2 mins and all the terrorists' heads will explode. Trust me, Mariah Carey had a dog, she sang to it and its head exploded, no joke.........

im jk..