Monday, April 04, 2005

"Insert generic blog topic here"

Hi everybody, long time no e-chat. So whats been happening? really? thats very interesting....uhuh...rite...ok ok wait I dont mean to be rude, but I cant actually hear you, so stop talking...

Great news for all you metalheads....Nevermore's "Enemies of Reality" has been re-released through Backstage studios (, and it sounds like how NevermorE should sound, fuckin HEAVY!!! Also for you guitarists out there, check out nevermore's guitarist Jeff Loomis ( and check out the sound files, there is a clip of him playing when he was at the tender age of 16 and oh my god....he is nuts. For you electric-acoustic guitar players out there, check out Michael Hedges (Alot like Thomas Leeb but better), he'll make you see outside the guitar and explore a whole new world of music...he is basically marijuana in human form...

Oh yeah, I got TRASHED at shivan's bday pissup in collingwood. I spent $50 on alcohol and after I ran out of cash I started drinking off other people and blamed it on someone else. It was good to catch up, I saw some people I thought i'd never see again and other people I thought I would... I dont know what to do for my bday, but it has to be something along the lines of getting wasted hehehe im too uber stressed all the time this semester. I guess its payin off I got 47/50 for one of my assignments I just have to keep it up. You know, I remember one time when I got really god it was embarassing...........*dreamy nostalgic music*

It was about 2 years ago, it was at Lara's party. All the alcohol was free, and being the cheap indian that I am, I decided I must drink to satisfy the monetary equivalence of how much I would actually spend on alcohol, which is infinity (or until I chunder), which is exactly what I did heh. I had a bit too much of jack daniels (without eating anything either), went outside to the front where there was a chundering social convention going on (EVERYONE was chundering or video taping other people chundering), found a nice big tree to hold and caress and to keep me up while im chundering (I was really close to passing out), and went nuts. I was actually so drunk I was talking to the tree when I was hugging it...saying shit like "You must be so ashamed" and "I cant believe I did this, its so embarassing". Finally after 2 sessions of chundering, I sat down, and asked my friend Nick if he could get me a glass of water. Being the polite pom that he is, he got me a glass...however, it was SODA water. Now I drank that shit, and told him "hey man, this is soda water, not normal water". As you all know, soda water is poison when ur makes you wanna burp, but since you have no air in your body to burp, you want to chunder. Now, when I told nick its soda water he said "Nah man, its water, you just think its soda water 'cuz you're drunk". I was off my nut, so what he said made complete sense at the time. I drank it all....waited 2 mins, got up and chundered another 2 times. On that night I was "chunder-struck"...this is a term I made up so classify when you have the horrible disease of always chundering.

Chunder is word of the day...


Blogger Jennifer said...

hola, your comments are looking a tad bare. Funny story dude

6:14 AM  
Blogger Fuzzbuggy said...

aww thanks jen..ur a champ, always here to read my shite

6:54 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

as long as it doesn't stink, i'll be here. just don't eat too much garlic

5:33 PM  

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