Monday, February 07, 2005

Ok, lets do this!!!

I've never written a journal before. Its weird. It feels like im talking to myself. I gotta say this is pretty cool though, its like if you dont have a life or too much spare time to kill you can do this shit. Well, let me tell you about my last few days. I went to Canberra on Saturday to see metal for the brain. It was bloody good but I got there wayyy too early, the bands didnt start playing until an hour later. The first few bands werent too good but the bands obviously got better as the nights progressed. There were some fabulous girls there, but most of them were either taken or insane. I think Im beginning to realise how boring a person I am. Ok imagine me saying all this to you face to face in a really whiny voice? you know those dorks who tell you EVERY detail of their day? and it just drives you f*cking nuts? yeah!! thats what I sound like right now. Man, start uni in a few weeks. I guess im looking forward to it since i've been doing nothing at home. I promsied everyone at uni i'd look different when I get back. I tried to lose weight but I couldnt, and I feel like shit man. Oh well, i'll keep trying, still got a few weeks to lose some fat! That show "the biggest loser" really motivates me. Those pounds just come off for them its spectacular. I always watch that show while I do bike riding you should try it...does wonders. Anyway i've written shitloads so im gonna shut up now, Goodbye.


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