Thursday, March 24, 2005

Fucking kids with their "rap" music...

In my whole life, i've liked alot of different kinds of music. From folk, to curry, to arab, to final fantasty, to micheal jackson, to metal, and even techno. But fuck, rap is ...I dont know...its just dreadful. Alot of rappers get shot, its not 'cuz they're in organised crime its 'cuz the guy who shot him hates rap music. Let me tell you why I hate rap. On video hits, there's a song which has a duet with a rapper and a country singer. Now, country music and rap music sucks individually, we all know that. But combining it? why? rap metal sucks, why would rap COUNTRY be better?!?!? and its been in the top 10 for the past 80 million years. The stupid song is stuck in my head. I remember it goes something like "this song is so shit, and it gets stuck in your head over and over again....over and over again....over and over again. This song is so shit, and you'd rather die over and over again, over and over again, over and over again". You know if I were deaf and watching that video, i'd think they're both in love with each other. Or it looks like an advertisement they'd put out during the whole racism rights, trying to bring black and white people together...imagine that. They'll show two guys of different colour both putting on their belts and shit ahhahah. I'd love to make a parody of that clip. Especially the part when they look at the photo of their gf, and its the same chick...

foshizle m' bizzle.....


Blogger blerg said...

Jus' layin' back in the cot, peepin' at this here homey. Yo, Pops, lemme have some cheddar. Some playa-hata be throwin' salt in my game - grillin' me over my gear. An' I needs to be mackin' style!

6:29 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

LOL! You should watch the adults only video hits at night. The name is abit decieving, no raunchy clips it's more like rage. So no shitty music like that over and over again :)

7:37 AM  

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